GFZ Seismological Data Archive

Networks archived at GEOFON

The GEOFON archive includes over 210 seismic networks with more than 16600 stations, spanning 31 years from 1993 to today. Most data is open. Data access methods

In the table below
  • Virtual networks are collections of stations which belong to two or more different networks.
  • Special Task Force experiments from GFZ are displayed as temporary networks.

Station coordinates may be found as StationXML or KML format from the network's own page, or for all networks.

R Embargoed or restricted access to networks/stations. Learn how to request access.

A Availability service for each network/station - presents details of archived time windows.
i The station information service.

D This seismic network's data set has a DOI. Use this when citing this network's data.

E Network contributed to EIDA.
CC Waveform data for this network has the CC-BY or other Creative Commons license.

Network description

A list of removed networks is available.

Database last updated at 2024 Dec 20 15:00:02