Some data sets (seismic networks) have been removed from the GEOFON data archive over time. This page outlines which networks and why they have been removed.
Data set name : DESTRESS - Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs
FDSN Network code : 2D
FDSN Assigned years : 2018-2019 FDSN link
DOI : doi:10.14470/7Q7563484600
Reason for removal : Didn't have data at GEOFON.
Further information: : No further information about this data set is available.
Data set name : BMG-Net, Indonesia (IA-Net)
FDSN Network code : IA
DOI : No DOI was minted for this data set.
Reason for removal : In 2024, GFZ agreed to discontinue distribution of IA data in future.
Further information : Contact BMKG for further information about this data set.