Removed data sets

Some data sets (seismic networks) have been removed from the GEOFON data archive over time. This page outlines which networks and why they have been removed.

Currently these networks are:
2D_2018 | IA

Removed networks


Data set name : DESTRESS - Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs

FDSN Network code : 2D

FDSN Assigned years : 2018-2019 FDSN link

DOI : doi:10.14470/7Q7563484600

Reason for removal : Didn't have data at GEOFON.

Further information: : No further information about this data set is available.


Data set name : BMG-Net, Indonesia (IA-Net)

FDSN Network code : IA

DOI : No DOI was minted for this data set.

Reason for removal : In 2024, GFZ agreed to discontinue distribution of IA data in future.

Further information : Contact BMKG for further information about this data set.