Import a miniSEED file into a local SDS archive

Download waveforms from a data centre

Some methods to download data are suitable only if data are hosted only at one data centre. For the next examples, we need to know in advance that the data has been archived at GEOFON.

FDSN Dataselect web service using GET method

You can use a browser or the “wget” command line tool to download data from HH channels of station LVC in network GE with location code 10 on a particular time frame.

sysop@SC3-VirtualBox:~$ wget "
    cha=HH*" -O GE.mseed

And with another command you can download data from HH channels of all stations in network CX for the same time window.

sysop@SC3-VirtualBox:~$ wget "
    -O CX.mseed

FDSN Dataselect web service using POST method

You can get the same data by creating a plain text file specifying the streams and time windows that you need with the following format in every line:


Here, NN SS LL CC are the network, station, location and channel respectively and STARTTIME and ENDTIME are in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS).

sysop@SC3-VirtualBox:~$ cat post-req.txt
    CX * * HH* 2015-02-22T02:30:00 2015-02-22T07:30:00
    GE LVC 10 HH* 2015-02-22T02:30:00 2015-02-22T07:30:00
sysop@SC3-VirtualBox:~$ wget --post-file=post-req.txt
     "" -O allData.mseed
    --2015-05-11 11:16:12--
    Auflösen des Hostnamen » («
    Verbindungsaufbau zu (||:80
    HTTP-Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 200 OK
    Länge: nicht spezifiziert [application/vnd.fdsn.mseed]
    In »»allData.mseed«« speichern.
        [             <=>                                                                             ] 91.132.928  1,90MB/s   in 47s
    2015-05-11 11:16:59 (1,87 MB/s) - »allData.mseed« gespeichert [91132928]


A complete specification of the FDSN web services can be found at


Download waveforms distributed at many data centres

For more complex requests, where data is distributed in many data centres, you will need a client to find where the data are hosted and perform the request to the different data centres.

The WebDC3 portal

In this example, we will download one hour of waveforms from selected stations for a particular time window. Namely, BH channels from all stations in GE and the ones with a distance of less than 15° from an event on August 24th 2016 in Italy.

  • Go to with a browser.
  • Click on “Explore events” and select a date interval from 24 August-2016 to 25 August 2016 and a minimum magnitude of 6.
  • Shift+click on the map to select a square around Europe and then click on “Search”.
  • Only one event in Central Italy should appear in the list on the right part of the page.
  • Click on “Explore stations” and move the slider to select only the year 2016 and only “Public permanent nets” on the Network type list.
  • Select “by Events” on the “Stations” section to select stations based on their distance related to the selected event.
  • Select stations only to a distance from the event less than 15 degrees.
  • Click on the BH entry in the list of streams and then “Search”.
  • Between 600 and 700 stations should appear on the list below the event.
  • Go to the third tab, named “Submit request”.
  • Select “Relative Mode” to define time windows relative to the estimated P arrival.
  • Enter “10” in Start time and “50” in End time to request a time window of one hour around the event.
  • In the “Request type” section, click on “Waveform (Mini-SEED)”
  • Enter your email address and click “Review”.
  • Please note that the time window shown at each line will be different, as thesee are calculated based on the distance from the epicentre.
  • If everything looks correctly click on “Submit”.
  • Go to the fourth tab, called “Download Data”.
  • In the “Recent requests” block, click on your request and check its status periodically with “Refresh”.
  • You can see the logs by clicking on the plus (+) character.
  • When it’s ready, download the data. Please, note that there will be one link (Download Volume) for each data centre providing data. You will need to click on all of them.

Create an SDS structure for your data


For the next two examples it is important to include the dot as a last parameter to the scart command.

Create a directory for the archive

sysop@SC3-VirtualBox:~$ mkdir -p ~/seiscomp3/var/lib/archive
sysop@SC3-VirtualBox:~$ cd ~/seiscomp3/var/lib/archive

And archive all the files which you downloaded:

sysop@SC3-VirtualBox:~/seiscomp3/var/lib/archive$ scart -vvvv -I ~/Package-X.mseed .

Alternatively, you can do it for the file with all the preloaded data.

sysop@SC3-VirtualBox:~/seiscomp3/var/lib/archive$ scart -vvvv -I ~/Downloads/data.mseed .

Import the metadata for your stations

  • Open scconfig and click on “Inventory”.
  • Select “Import” and browse to the file with the inventory (~/Downloads/inventory.xml) and select the format “arclink”.
  • Click on OK, wait a couple of seconds, check that the process was successful and close the modal window.
  • Go to “System” (second icon in the left column), click on “Update configuration” and restart SeisComP3 (Stop and Start buttons).