Exchange data and metadata with others

In this chapter we activate FDSN web services [And Arclink? :FIXME:] to allow waveforms and inventory metadata to be shared with others.

Configure FDSN web services in your SC3

  • Open scconfig.

  • Click on the “Modules” icon and go to the “global” module.

  • Look for the “database” section and complete the following:

  • Press Ctrl+S to save the configuration.

  • Go to the “fdsnws” module in the tree on the left. Then, go to the “global” section and the “recordstream” subsection and complete with the following:

  • Press Ctrl+S to save the configuration.

  • Click to the “System” icon, click on “Update configuration” and restart SeisComP3 (Stop and Start buttons).

Send requests to the web services


Basically, what you are requesting here is a list of all the stations configured in your system using the SeisComP3 implementation of the FDSN web services.

You should see the whole GE network and the stations around the event in Italy. With this test you verify that the inventory is apparently correct AND that you are able to share this data with others via FDSN web services, in the same way as data centres do.


Now you can use clients to work with your data. For instance, scolv. Remember to switch in scolv to “combined” (combined://localhost:18000;localhost:18001) to load the waveforms from the archive.