Tagged networks

Data comes from permanent networks or stations (not only those deployed temporarily). [g]

25 match(es) for seisdata:Permanent found in 201 indexed networks. | See all currently-used tags

Code Network description Start End Stations
AD ACROSS Central Asia Strong Motion Network 2005 -- 23
AW AWI Network Antarctica (AWI-Net) 1980 -- 21
CK CAREMON, Central Asian Cross-border Network (CAREMON) 1980 -- 7
CP CIVISA Seismo-Volcanic Monitoring Network-Azores Islands 2018 -- 2
CX IPOC Seismic Network (Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile) 1980 -- 29
DK Danish National Seismic Network 1980 -- 71
EE Estonian Seismic Network 1980 -- 12
FN Northern Finland Seismological Network 1980 -- 9
GE GEOFON Program, GFZ Potsdam, Germany 1993 -- 146
GF GONAF (Geophysical borehole Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault) 2012 -- 7
GX GEOFON affiliated stations 2019 -- 5
HE Finnish National Seismic Network 1980 -- 20
HN Hungarian National Infrasound Network 2017 -- 4
HU Hungarian National Seismological Network, MTA CSFK GGI (GGI_Net) 1992 -- 42
IA BMG-Net, Indonesia (IA-Net) 1980 -- 157
IS Israelian Broadband Seismological Network (GII-Net) 1980 -- 43
JS Jordanian Seismological Network 1980 -- 19
KC CAIAG Network Kyrgyzstan (CAIAG-Net) 1980 -- 4
KD Decentralized onsite earthquake early warning network Bishkek 2012 -- 11
M1 MONET IPE MU Brno 1980 -- 9
PL Polish Seismic Network 1980 -- 10
SK Slovak National Network of Seismic Stations (SK-Net) 1980 -- 13
TQ Taiwan multi-parametric environmental seismic network 1980 -- 11
TT Tunisia BB Network (TT_Net) 1980 -- 3
WM The WM network 1980 2022 Unknown