Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), German instrument pool for amphibian seismology (DEPAS)
Friederich, W.; Meier, T. (LEGACY)
Egelados project, RUB Bochum, Germany
The network, which consisted of both land and ocean bottom seismographs, functioned from October 2005 until its deinstallation in March 2007 as part of the Exploring the Geodynamics of Subducted Lithosphere Using an Amphibian Deployment of Seismographs (EGELADOS) project. The network, which covered the entire southern Aegean Sea from the Peloponnesus region in the west to western Turkey in the east, was designed to study seismicity as well as the distribution of the elastic and anelastic material properties in the Hellenic subduction zone to better understand its complex geotectonic setting and evolution. The network encompassed 45 Güralp 60-second seismometers, four Streckeisen STS-2 seismometers, and seven 1-Hertz Mark seismometers at land sites. The seismometers were supplemented by 22 ocean bottom seismographs equipped with Güralp 60- second seismometers and broadband hydrophones. In addition, the network was designed to incorporate the seven permanent broadband seismographs of the GeoForschungsNetz (GEOFON) network and one Mediterranean Very Broadband Seismographic Network (MedNet) station. Waveform data is available from the GEOFON data centre, under network code Z3, and is fully open.
* Description is taken from seismic metadata, and may not match the preferred title for citations.
Sodoudi, F.; Brüstle, A.; Meier, T.; Kind, R.; Friederich, W.; EGELADOS working group (2015). Receiver function images of the Hellenic subduction zone and comparison to microseismicity. Solid Earth, 6, 135-151. doi:10.5194/se-6-135-2015
Friederich, W.; Brüstle, A.; Küperkoch, L.; Meier, T.; Lamara, S. (2014). Focal mechanisms in the southern Aegean from temporary seismic networks - implications for the regional stress field and ongoing deformation processes. Solid Earth, 5, 275-297. doi:10.5194/se-5-275-2014
Brüstle, A. (2012).Seismicity of the Eastern Hellenic Subduction Zone.Ph.D. Thesis, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.
Küperkoch, L.; Meier, T.; Lee, J.; Friederich, W.; EGELADOS working group (2010). Automated determination of P-phase arrival times at regional and local distances using higher order statistics. Geophys. J. Int., 181, 1159-1170. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04570.x
Friederich, W.; Meier, T. (2008). Temporary Seismic Broadband Network Acquired Data on Hellenic Subduction Zone. EOS 89, 378. doi:10.1029/2008EO400002