Earthquake swarms occur frequently in Vogtland/West Bohemia at the German-Czech border. The link between these earthquakes and magmatic fluids that escape at the surface has been debated and investigated. The Rohrbach/Vogtland seismic array, installed by the University of Potsdam, Germany, was a small-aperture array that monitored the major earthquake swarm in 2008 and the background seismicity between October 16, 2008 and March 18, 2009. The array consisted of 11 stations equipped with MarsLite data loggers and Lennartz Le3D-5s seismometers. Data were recorded in continuous mode at 250 Hz. Sensors were buried in the ground at 0.5 m depth. High-precision station coordinates were obtained using differential GPS measurements. The array data has been used for analyses of earthquakes and seismic structures. Waveform data is fully open.
* Description is taken from seismic metadata, and may not match the preferred title for citations.
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Extended Network Information for network 6A
Roessler, Dirk
; Hiemer, Stefan
; Bach, Christoph
; Delavaud, Elise
; Krueger, Frank
; Ohrnberger, Matthias
; Sauer, David
; Scherbaum, Frank
; Vollmer, Daniel
Passarelli, L., Roessler, D., Hainzl, S., Cesca, S., Maccaferri, F., Mucciarelli, M., Govoni, A., Moretti, M., Rivalta, E., Margheriti, L., Woith, H., Braun, T., Dahm, T. (2014). A swarm-like sequence striking in a seismic gap region: The Pollino range, Southern Apennines seismic sequence. In proceedings, 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (Istanbul 2014).
Roessler, D., Passarelli, L., Rivalta, E., Govoni, A. (2014). Array monitoring of swarm earthquakes in the Pollino Range (Italy). (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-6167-1, 2014), General Assembly European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria 2014).
Hiemer, S. Roessler, D., Scherbaum, F. (2012). Monitoring the West Bohemian earthquake swarm in 2008/2009 by a seismic mini-array. J. Seismology, 16(2), 169-182. doi:10.1007/s10950-011-9256-5
Hiemer, S., Scherbaum, F., Roessler, D., and Kühn, N. (2011). Determination of t0 and rock site [kappa] from records of the 2008/2009 earthquake swarm in Western Bohemia. Seism. Res. Lett., 82(3), 387-393. doi:10.1785/gssrl.82.3.387
Hiemer, S. (2010). Arrayseismologische und statistische Auswertung des Erdbebenschwarms aus dem Jahr 2008 im Vogtland/NW-Böhmen. Diplomarbeit, Universität Postdam, Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften. Supervisors: F. Scherbaum, D. Roessler.
Hiemer, S., Roessler, D., Scherbaum, F. (2010). Monitoring the West Bohemian earthquake swarm in 2008/2009 by a small aperture seismic array. In Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract S13B-1994.
Roessler, D., Hiemer, S., Bach, Ch., Delavaud, E., Krüger, F., Ohrnberger, M., Sauer, D., Scherbaum, F., Vollmer, D. (2009). Small-Aperture Seismic Array Monitors Vogtland Earthquake Swarm in 2008/09. DGG Annual Meeting, Kiel, Germany.